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Functional Neuroimaging: a Hands-On Approach

16/January/2018 - 19/January/2018

R$572 – R$650
curso neuroimagem abordagem funcional
  • Dates: January – 16th to January – 19th 2018
  • Venue: PUCRS/InsCer, Porto Alegre, Brazil


For Information Contact

Dr. Alexandre R. Franco – [email protected]

Dr. Augusto Buchweitz – [email protected]



During the course, an introduction to the fundamentals of functional brain imaging clinical and research applications, and a hands-on study of the development of functional neuroimaging investigations will be provided. The course focuses on state-of-the-art imaging techniques of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Lectures lay the groundwork for understanding the hardware and the bases of signal acquisition; address task design to elicit the cognitive processes of interest, preprocessing and statistical analysis of the data; and introduce advanced computation techniques for understanding the underlying cortical dynamics of clinical and typically-developing populations. Students will have a hands-on experience performing this type of research, where they will perform an fMRI experiment and analyze these data. Within the course, the students will collect their own fMRI data and learn how to process the images.


Course Outline

Students, professors, and researchers excited and interested about brain functioning and imaging, including, but not limited to, medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, biomedical and computer engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, basic neuroscientists, physicists, chemists and even philosophers.


Registration Website


NOTE: All lectures will be taught in English without translation

For the “Hands On” lectures, students will be provided a desktop computer with Matlab and SPM installed.

The practical lectures are limited to 30 students due to computer lab space.



  • John VanMeter
  • Adam Green
  • Alexandre Rosa Franco
  • Augusto Buchweitz
  • Alessandro Mazzola


Course Outline

Day 1 (January 16th) – Basics of functional MRI (fMRI) / Designing Paradigms

Module 1 – How brain images are formed from MRI’s

Module 2 – Imaging brain function: Designing tasks, and investigating cognition.

Module 3 – After acquiring the data: What to do with these images? Level one analysis


Day 2 (January 17th) – Hands on: Collecting fMRI data / Preprocessing

Module 4 – Getting some data: Running a MRI scan at the Brain Institute

Module 5 – Tips and Tricks for a successful scan

Module 6 – Getting individual subject activation maps


Day 3 (January 18h) –  Hands on: Preprocessing single subject data / Second level analysis / Resting State FMRI

Module 7 – Preprocess imaging data: Searching for brain activation

Module 8- Transforming data into activation maps: What’s behind those pretty pictures?

Module 9 – Studying your brain at rest


Day 4 (January 19th) – Hands on: Quality Control and Second level analysis / Student Talks / Learning Disorders

Module 10 – Quality control: making sure you can use your functional data

Module 11 – Second level analysis: How to perform group statistics

Module 12 – Brain Imaging of Learning Disorders

Module 13 –Student talks


R$572 – R$650
Categoria de Evento:


Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Partenon
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul 90619-900 Brazil
+ Google Map
(51) 3320-3500