More than 60 researchers, from various fields of knowledge, work together at BRAINN in cutting-edge researches about cerebral health. In this “Success Stories” section of our website, you will find exclusive behind-the-scenes reports on what’s going on in our labs and what you can expect from our research teams. Many groundbreaking innovations have already been created by BRAINN scientists. It’s time for readers to get to know them!
ABCérebro TV – Neuroscience for Everyone
Learn how a YouTube video channel is improving the way BRAINN does scientific education about neurological disorders..
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BCI – The Brain-Computer Interface
Can brain signals be used to take control over real objects, like a wheelchair? Read the latest developments of BRAINN’s researches with the Brain-Computer Interface.
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Epilepsy under Scrutiny
Find here information on how BRAINN´s lines of research are helping health professionals identify, treat and prevent epilepsy and seizures.
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Light to see “inside” the Brain
Technique developed by a BRAINN´s research group lets scientists observe, in real time, what happens in the brain of someone that just had a stroke.
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New Ways to Look at the Brain
BRAINN researchers are developing groundbreaking software that make brain mapping faster and more efficient, improving diagnostics and clinical research.
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Neural Probes
Discover how new, groudbreaking neural probes are being developed at BRAINN, helping advance Brazilian Science and brain researches all over the world.
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Software that Facilitates Brain Diagnosis
Studies developed by BRAINN’s prof. Wu ShinTing and her research group provide technological tools that facilitate medical diagnosis.
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