Intellectual Property

Here you can find a complete list of all available Intellectual Property items developed by BRAINN.
Click on the names below for more information.




Companies created by members of the BRAINN team that are now incubated

Medical Computing Solutions in the following areas:

  1. e-Health: development of hardware to facilitate interaction in immersive and non-immersive Virtual Reality environments.
  2. Telemedicine: development of software to digitalize human movement analysis and quantify the functional progression of the patient´s evolution during rehabilitation procedures.
Visit the official website

The HOOBOX Robotics has focus on studying and developing innovative solutions to control a wheelchair.



Additional information:



Patents applications up to 2016 by members of the BRAINN team

Name: Fiber Optic Flow and Oxygenation Monitoring using Diffuse Correlation and Reflectance

Authors: Floyd, T.F., Yodh, A.G., and Mesquita, R. C.

U.S. Patent Application Number: PCT/US2012/069626

Filed Dec. 14, 2012

Name: Probes and Pressure Modulation Algorithms for Reducing Extratissue Contamination in Hemodynamic Measurement

Authors: Baker, W., Yodh, A.G., Busch, D.R., Parthasarathy, A.B., Mesquita, R.C., Chandra, M., Licht, D.J., Abramson, K.

U.S. Patent Application Number: PCT/US15/17277

Filed Feb. 24, 2015

Name: Pressure Modulation, Motion Detection, Individualized Geometry, and Improved Optic-Skin Coupling to Improve Long Term Clinical Monitoring with Diffuse Optics

Authors: Busch, D.R., Parthasarathy, A.B., Baker, W.B., Chandra, M., Mesquita, R.C., Yodh, A.G., Licht, D.J., Abramson, K.

U.S. Patent Application Number: PCT/US15/17286

Filed Feb. 24, 2015

Name: Interactive Visualization Method of a max-­tree structure and uses thereof

Authors: Tavares, L., Souza, R., Rittner, L., Machado, R., Lotufo, R.

Brazilian Institute of Intellectual Property Registry: #BR 10 2015 032565 7

Filed Dec. 22, 2015

The max-tree is a data structure that represents all possible upper thresholds of an image, it has been successfully used in many image processing and analysis applications. The max-tree corresponding to a natural image usually has tens of thousands of nodes, which makes unpractical to build a comprehensive graphical representation of its complete structure. We propose a methodology that allows to build an interactive max-tree graphical representation that permits the user to navigate through the max-tree nodes, to visualize its connected components and to create node subsets. Our representation displays a simplified max-tree using a dendrogram structure, but it allows the user to access all max-tree nodes using the interactive max-tree navigation features. This is the first work that proposes an interactive graphical representation of the max-tree. Our interactive max-tree visualization tool can be used for segmentation either by creating subsets of nodes either by using nodes as input markers to segmentations algorithms, such as the watershed transform.




Find here every software developed by researchers from BRAINN´s team, with links to download and test the programs

Software developed by researchers and collaborators of the Neuroimaging Laboratory available to the public:

UF²C is an open source software developed at the Neuroimaging Laboratory at Unicamp that aims to simplify and organize functional connectivity studies in neuroimaging through a clean and validated methodology.

Visit the official website

Rqc package offers the user efficient strategies for quality assessment of Next-Generation Sequencing data. It processes FASTQ and BAM files without compromising the system performance, allowing the user to evaluate possible issues during the sequencing experiment.


GA4GHclient is a R package for accessing GA4GH API data servers. This software is based on official Data Model Schemas created by Global Alliance for Genomics and Health.

VMTK: Visual Manipulation Toolkit for Neuroimages


Software registration: e-House

Protocol number: BR 51 2016 000861 0

Requested to UNICAMP´s Innovation Agency INOVA in May 12th, 2016

Registration Requested at the INPI in July 7th, 2016


Trademark registration: e-House

Process number: 911646043

Requested to Innovation Agency INOVA in June 3rd, 2016

Registration Requested at the INPI in September 19th, 2016

Published Software

Name: LNIDB: An Image Archival, Retrieval and Visualization System for Medical Imaging Research Centers.

Authors: FPG Bergo, WM Avelar, F Cendes.

Released at V Workshop CinAPCe, Aug 2011, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.