Oportunidade de Pós-doc nos EUA em Gerontologia

BRAINN - pos-doc envelhecimento
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Detalhes sobre vaga de pós-doutorado no National Institute on Aging dos Estados Unidos.

25 de novembro de 2019  | Divulgação

O National Institute on Aging (NIA) norte-americano está com posição aberta para pós-doutorado na área de gerontologia. Os candidatos devem ter formação em Ciências Biomédicas e, de preferência, ter experiência em pesquisas de biologia celular e molecular, com foco em processos de envelhecimento e câncer. O pesquisador selecionado estudará, sob a orientação de Luigi Ferrucci, M.D., Ph.D. (NIA) e Shalini Oberdoerffer, Ph.D (National Cancer Institute), o papel de modificações no DNA e RNA nos seguintes contextos:

  • de que maneira um único gene codifica múltiplas proteínas a partir de splicing alternativo;
  • como uma única molécula de mRNA determina destinos proteicos diferentes durante o processo de tradução;
  • se algum dos processos acima afetam algumas das características marcantes do envelhecimento, incluindo função mitocondrial, regulação metabólica e resposta ao exercício.

Para maiores detalhes e informações sobre o projeto, acompanhe, a seguir, o comunicado oficial:



Comunicado oficial (em inglês)


Postdoctoral Fellow 

The National Institute on Aging (NIA), Intramural Research Program (IRP), and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Center for Cancer Research (CCR), both major research components of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), are recruiting for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Longitudinal Studies Sections (LSS) of the Translational Gerontology Branch (TGB) of NIA.  This position is a joint appointment, funded by the NIA, and will be located in Bethesda, MD during the first period of fellowship and subsequently in Baltimore, MD for the remainder of the fellowship.

The NIA IRP TGB LSS, under the leadership of Luigi Ferrucci, M.D., Ph.D., focuses on mechanisms underlying heterogeneity in human health and function with aging, including molecular, cellular, physiologic, and behavioral factors.  In addition to their longitudinal studies of aging, including the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) and Genetic and Epigenetic Signatures of Translational Aging Laboratory Testing (GESTALT), they carry out smaller human studies of mechanisms and collaborate with other laboratories to pursue translational aging research across species.

The NCI CCR RNA Processing in Cellular Development Section, under the leadership of Shalini Oberdoerffer, Ph.D., broadly examines how DNA and RNA epigenetics dynamically regulate gene expression.  They ask how methylation of cytosine in DNA affects pre-mRNA splicing decisions (Shukla et al., Nature, 2011; Marina et al., EMBOJ, 2016), and how subsequent acetylation of cytidine in processed mRNA affects translation (Arango et al., Cell, 2018).  They use a variety of tools to investigate the enzymatic regulation of cytosine modifications and the net impact at target genes and genome-wide.  Current efforts are focused on developing physiologically relevant model systems that interrogate how the epigenome and epitranscriptome are modulated in response to environmental cues to dynamically regulate cellular proteomes.

In collaboration with NCI, the postdoctoral fellow will examine the role of DNA and RNA modifications in determining: 1) how a single gene generates multiple protein-coding splice variants, and 2) how a single mRNA molecule dictates distinct protein fates during the process of translation; 3) whether these mechanisms affect some of the hallarks of aging, including mitochodrial function, metabolic regulation, and response to exercise, or other metabolic challenges such as caloric restriction.  The fellow will be mentored jointly by the two laboratories and will lead this collaborative project under the mentorship of Dr. Ferrucci (NIA) and Dr. Oberdoerffer (NCI).

Eligible candidates must have a recent Ph.D. degree in the Biomedical Sciences.  An ideal candidate will have a strong interest in Molecular and Cellular Biology, ideally in the context of cancer and aging.  To apply, please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae and bibliography, statement of research interest (1-2 pages), and contact information for three references to: Jamie Hertzfelt, Intramural Program Specialist; Office of the Scientific Director; Vacancy #NIA-IRP-20-08; National Institute on Aging, Biomedical Research Center, 251 Bayview Boulevard, Suite 100, Room 04C232, Baltimore, MD 21224 or email: niairpjobs@mail.nih.gov.  Applications must reference Vacancy #NIA-IRP-20-08 for consideration.  The first round of reviews is expected to occur around February 1, 2020; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled.  This position is subject to a background investigation.  Additional information regarding the NIA IRP is available at the following website: www.irp.nia.nih.gov.


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